Strategies in Treatment Planning: Efficiency vs. Reliability

EAED 2018 Spring Meeting - Hilton Sorrento Palace, Sorrento, Italy, May 24-26, 2018

The Scientific Committee


Dr. Ueli Grunder (CH)


Prof. Nitzan Bichacho (IL)


Dr. Franck Bonnet (FR)


Dr. Stefano Gracis (IT)

Thursday, May 24th

14:00 - 14:20 //

Opening Ceremony

Dr. Stefano Gracis (IT) & Dr. Salvatore D'Amato (IT)

To be Livestreamed

14:20 - 17:30 // Session 1

Strategies for implant placement and loading / temporization in the esthetic area

delayed implant placement/delayed temporization Dr. David Nisand (FR)
delayed implant placement/immediate temporization Dr. Gaetano Calesini (IT)
Coffee Break  
immediate implant placement/immediate temporization Dr. Steve Chu (US)
Discussion Moderators with Speakers

Discussion: Drs. Mankoo & Bonnet with speakers

  • What are the clinical criteria that influence the decision of which protocol (immediate or delayed placement) can be employed after the extraction of a tooth?
  • Which criteria do you use to determine whether an implant placed in an anterior edentulous ridge can be loaded (provisionalized) immediately?
  • If the implant cannot be loaded immediately with a temporary, how long do you wait before loading it?
  • If the implant cannot be loaded immediately with a fixed temporary crown, what kind of provisional do you use?
  • How long do you wait after implant exposure or placement before proceeding with the definitive restoration?
  • Show how you behave in the following situations:
    • thin phenotype 
    • thick phenotype 
    • tooth with dehisence
    • tooth agenesis with resorbed edentulous ridge
    • trauma case
  • Show the outcomes of your approach in terms of: total time of treatment, number of appointments from start to end of therapy, number of surgical interventions, the ability to recreate the ideal anatomy of the soft tissues, stability of the hard and soft tissues over time.
  • Does immediate loading indeed save time?
  • Is there a price that is paid in terms of tissue volume maintenance with immediate loading?
  • How does the bone architecture direct your approach for extraction situations?
  • What are the most common causes of failure of your approach?
  • What price is paid if the procedure fails and what is the exit strategy? 

17:30 - 18:30 //

The John McLean Honorary Lecture

Friday, May 25th

09:00 - 10:40 // Session 2

Strategies for replacement of missing anterior teeth

the orthodontic perspecitive Dr. Bjorn Ludwig (DK)
the restorative perspective Prof. Florian Beuer (CH)
Discussion Moderators with Speakers

Dr. Bjorn Ludwig

  • In case of congenitally missing lateral incisors, when is space closure indicated and why?
  • When and why is space maintenance desirable?
  • Is implant placement necessarily the ultimate goal or other restorative options can be implemented and, if so, with what reliability?

Prof. Florian Beuer

  • In case of lack of an anterior tooth, when does it make sense to place an implant and when a traditional Maryland Bridge or an all-ceramic single wing Maryland Bridge?
  • Can an adhesive bridge be considered a “definitive” solution?

10:40 - 11:20 // Coffee Break

11:20 - 13:00 // Session 3

Strategies for the management of deep infrabony defects and periimplantitis in the esthetic zone

Moderator: Dr. Otto Zuhr (DE)

infrabony defects Dr. Martina Stefanini (IT)
periimplintitis Prof. Eric Rompen (BE)
Discussion Moderators with Speakers

Dr. Martina Stefanini

  • Which are the prognostic factors for the success of the regenerative therapy?
  • Which are the options and strategies for the treatment of these defects?
  • Which are the criteria to determine whether to maintain the tooth or remove it?

Prof. Eric Rompen

  • What are the etiological factors in periimplintitis?
  • Which are the strategies for the prevention and, when it occurs, the treatment of periimplintitis?
  • Which are the criteria to determine whether to maintain the implant or remove it?

13:00 - 14:30 // Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:20 // Session 4

The Willi Geller Honorary Lecture

Strategies for the planning of clinical cases from a dental technician's perspective

& background

Dr. Douglas Terry (US)
traditional Dr. Douglas Terry (US) &
Willi Geller, MDT (CH)
digital Michael Bergler, MDT (US)
Discussion Moderators with Speakers

Dr. Douglas Terry and Willi Geller, MDT

  • Which are the traditional protocols for an effective and time efficient planning of esthetic changes?
  • Which materials do you prefer to use and why?

Michael Bergler, MDT

  • What are the advantages of going digital?
  • Is the clinical outcome justified by the investment?
  • Which materials do you prefer to use and why?

16:20 - 16:45 // Coffee Break

16:45 - 18:45 //

Gold Partner Workshops

Henry Schein: Digital Management of White and Pink Esthetics An Interdisciplinary Approach with Irena Sailer and Vincent Fehmer

Thommen : Ask your questions and discuss answers, possible treatment paths and/ or clinical relevance with Ueli Grunder, Otto Zuhr, Kony Meyenberg and Isabella Rocchietta

Nobel Biocare: Interactive master class with Dr. Iñaki Gamborena, discussing a comprehensive approach to immediate implant placement and immediate restoration, by blending surgical, technical and restorative steps into one successful protocol

Invisalign: Evolving Interdisciplinary Dentistry with the Invisalign® system and iTero Element® digital workflow with Dr. Christian Coachman, The Agnini brothers and Dr. Rafi Romano

Saturday, May 26th

09:00 - 10:40 // Session 5

Strategies for the rehabilitation of the worn dentition with direct composites

Overall treatment concepts Dr. Didier Dietschi (CH)
Clinical protocol for the molding technique Dr. Riccardo Ammannato (IT)
Discussion Moderators with Speakers

Dr. Didier Dietschi

  • Can composite resin be considered as the “definitive” restorative material for the rehabilitation of patients with extensive tooth wear or does it need to be eventually replaced by ceramics?
  • Should modern composite resins be considered all the same material or should they be differentiated? If so, how?
  • What are the treatment options with composite resins when reconstructing multiple teeth where the VDO has to be increased?

Dr. Riccardo Ammannato

  • When to restore and when not to restore?
  • What is the evidence & clinical data for the use of composite resins in treating tooth wear?
  • What are the pros & cons of a direct technique in building the occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth?

10:40 - 11:20 // Coffee Break

11:20 - 11:35 //

EAED Photo Contest Award Ceremony

11:35 - 13:05 //

The Peter Schärer Honorary Treatment Planning Session

Clinical Case 1 Dr. Arturo Imbelloni (IT)
Clinical Case 2 Dr. Koray Feran (UK)

To be Livestreamed

13:05 - 13:15 // Closing Ceremony

Dr. Stefano Gracis (IT), Prof. Markus Hürzeler (DE), Dr. Salvatore D'Amato (IT)

13:30 - 15:00 // General Assembly Luncheon